過去の展覧会 | Past Exhibitions

過去の展覧会 | Past Exhibitions


第11回 郷さくら美術館 桜花賞展
The 11th Sato Sakura Museum ‘Ōka-Sho Award’ Exhibition
第4回 FROM -それぞれの日本画- 展
The 4th 'FROM' - The Exhibition of Japanese Paintings in Each Artist's Style -
涼 -夏を楽しむ- 現代日本画展
Ryo | 涼 ―Enjoying Summer― Contemporary Japanese Painting
The GARDEN ―四季折々の庭園― 現代日本画展
The GARDEN -Four Seasons- Contemporary Japanese Painting


第10回 郷さくら美術館 桜花賞展
The 10th Sato Sakura Museum ‘Ōka-Sho Award’ Exhibition
第3回 FROM -それぞれの日本画- 展
The 3rd 'FROM' -The Exhibition of Japanese Paintings in Each Artist's Style-
水 -巡る- 現代日本画展
Water - Flowing - Contemporary Japanese Paintings Exhibition
現代美人画 エキゾチックウーマン展
Exotic Women Contemporary Portraits Exhibition
村居正之の世界 -歴史を刻む 悠久の青-
MASAYUKI MURAI: A Retrospective 'Blue Eternity, Engraving History'


現代日本画 夜
Night Exhibition
松村公嗣の世界 -出会いとその軌跡-
KOJI MATSUMURA: A Retrospective 'Meetings and Their Trajectories'